Soil and Your Foundation

Midwest weather can be tumultuous. If you live in the Midwest, you know that the weather can change instantly. November in the Midwest is particularly interesting; one day, the temperature may be 70, and the next, it may be 25 degrees. One will never know. Thank goodness for weather forecasts. With all of this being said, how does weather affect your home's foundation? What types of foundation issues should one look for over the winter months? And most importantly, can I fix foundation issues in the winter? The answer is a decidedly YES! Because foundations depend on the soil beneath them, winter can be an optimal time to find solutions to those common foundation problems.

Instead of waiting for the weather to warm up again, the time is now to fix these problems. More specifically, because warmer weather tends to increase precipitation, what better way to prevent potential water damage in the spring and summer than to fix those obvious, and most times 'not so obvious' foundation problems as the ground is solid.

Why is the winter an effective time to fix settling issues, bowing walls, and basement cracks? 

It is simple. The soil is much dryer in the winter, so the drilling and groundwork that must occur would be easier. Foundation repair can happen anytime, but dryer, less expansive soil would be the most effective time to get the job done!

What Does Soil Have To Do With My Foundation?

Soil has everything to do with the foundation. In fact, here are the top three reasons that soil influences your foundation:

Please watch this short video that explores the variations in soil:

Because the soil beneath a foundation is so complex and varies in texture depending on its depth, it is often difficult to see foundation issues happening unless we begin to see the effects in and on our homes. This is exactly what we want to avoid if we can.

Therefore, it is important to contact a professional foundation expert who understands the common problems associated with foundation related issues. This is where we come in.

Midwest Structural Solutions will find a solution today to your foundation problems. Contact us today to claim your free estimation!